WDW Marathon

Ok I am planning on running the Half Marathon at WDW next Jan 9th. ; I know this is a long way off but I am wondering if anyone will publicity denounce them running it also. This is more of a challenge then a request.

I have not ran in almost a year (due to back issues) but will start getting back into the swing of things tonight. If anyone needs help with a training program let me know and I can send you one (even if you have never ran). It takes no more than 20 mins per day to start.

The Half Marathon is 21.1 KM and the Full is 42.2 KM.
I'll take a training program. I am trying to talk my wife into a Jan 2010 trip. I'm having trouble as she wants to do a cruise this year and I want to go to Mousefest in December.
Whoops hadn't seen this thread before posting on another. ; I have just signed up. The training program would be great Robb I have no idea how I should start. Sean how about starting a sticky thread to track our progress you are going too right. ; ::) I do know I won't be starting until after this cold spell has broken ;) .