I'm back from my July trip to Disney - and boy was it HOT!
"How hot was it?"
It was so hot, that even the gorillas were sweating!:
This was my first time at Disney with the new camera...and it didn't disappoint! I didn't even bring my dedicated wildlife lens, the 200-500 Tamron (it was too hot to be lugging it around), so I made due with my all-purpose 18-250 lens. Usually I go to Animal Kingdom with 720mm of range on my H5, but with the A300 and the 18-250 lens, I've got only a 375mm equivalent...however, the good lens quality, and the camera's larger sensor and higher resolution, gave me surprising results that I was very pleased with.
Here are some more of the gorilla shots I snapped with this combo - handheld (didn't bother to bring the tripod either):
Male gorilla warning me to stop taking photos, or I'd get a bag of knuckles:
Hot and sweaty:
"Do you ever stop with that camera, bub?":
"I'm tryin to eat here, guy!":
This guy was having a rest on a full stomach...looks like he just ate a hiker:
Comments or critique welcome.
Good to be back on the boards...but I'd rather be back at Disney! Though it was miserably hot there...it's just as miserably hot at home...so given the choice to be miserably hot at home or at Disney, I'd choose Disney!
"How hot was it?"
It was so hot, that even the gorillas were sweating!:

This was my first time at Disney with the new camera...and it didn't disappoint! I didn't even bring my dedicated wildlife lens, the 200-500 Tamron (it was too hot to be lugging it around), so I made due with my all-purpose 18-250 lens. Usually I go to Animal Kingdom with 720mm of range on my H5, but with the A300 and the 18-250 lens, I've got only a 375mm equivalent...however, the good lens quality, and the camera's larger sensor and higher resolution, gave me surprising results that I was very pleased with.
Here are some more of the gorilla shots I snapped with this combo - handheld (didn't bother to bring the tripod either):
Male gorilla warning me to stop taking photos, or I'd get a bag of knuckles:

Hot and sweaty:

"Do you ever stop with that camera, bub?":

"I'm tryin to eat here, guy!":

This guy was having a rest on a full stomach...looks like he just ate a hiker:

Comments or critique welcome.
Good to be back on the boards...but I'd rather be back at Disney! Though it was miserably hot there...it's just as miserably hot at home...so given the choice to be miserably hot at home or at Disney, I'd choose Disney!
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