After a year in quarantine, I'd be willing to risk a haircut at this place in Diagon Alley.

Wizard Hair Care

Wizard Hair Care
@Nancy AK I try to limit my tripod time to the evenings. Since they don't allow you to take anything on many of the attractions and the lockers are getting smaller and smaller, it's a pain to try to deal with a tripod during the day. If necessary, I can put it in a locker for the day, but it's annoying that their front-of-park lockers are no longer rented out for the entire day with unlimited in-and-out privileges like the WDW lockers are.
@Nancy AK The only place I think you'd need a tripod next week is in Knockturn Alley, and that will be there in October (if you plan to visit Universal before or after Pixelmania).