
Not really sure where topost this question so I thought I would start here. I am looking for advice on tripods. My camera is a Canon g7 and I am wanting a tripod to try and get some good night pictures when we are down in September. I want something that will fold up to a small enough size to carry in my backpack. Any suggestions are very much appreciated. Thanks!!
The velbon ultra luxi I have fits in my backpack, even a pistol grip head (tilted sideways). ; I believe it compacts somewhere between 12-13". ; I like it so much i got a velbon monopod to use in "dark shows".
And if for any reason you can't find or don't like the Velbon - I have had very good experience with my Slik Sprint Pro EZ, which is pretty small and compact too, and for only $100 it's a great deal. ; Also worth a look might be the Benro Travel Angel, which is a very small compacting tripod that can fit well in any luggage.