I got home yesterday after having a really crappy day. ; I left for work at 6:30am and didn't get to work until 8:45am. ; I was stuck in traffic for that long!! ; Then I just had a busy day at work, didn't get home until 7pm. ; It was a long day. ; But when I walked in the door, I smelled Christmas Tree!!! ;D ; Sean had went out and bought our tree! ; It is a really nice tree this year. ; Last year we didn't have one because we were saving up for our wedding. ; The year before we had a really bad Charlie Brown Xmas tree. ; It was full on one side and bare on the other. ; Didn't know it would be like that when we picked it already bailed. ; Anyways, Sean did a fantastic job this year and got a great tree. ; I can't wait to decorate it this weekend. ; We will have to go out and buy a tree topper which I can't wait to do. ; I hope we can find a special one. ; And this year I get to hang all my disney ornaments. Yay!! ; Can't wait till the weekend. ;D