Tree Surprise


I got home yesterday after having a really crappy day. ; I left for work at 6:30am and didn't get to work until 8:45am. ; I was stuck in traffic for that long!! ; Then I just had a busy day at work, didn't get home until 7pm. ; It was a long day. ; But when I walked in the door, I smelled Christmas Tree!!! ;D ; Sean had went out and bought our tree! ; It is a really nice tree this year. ; Last year we didn't have one because we were saving up for our wedding. ; The year before we had a really bad Charlie Brown Xmas tree. ; It was full on one side and bare on the other. ; Didn't know it would be like that when we picked it already bailed. ; Anyways, Sean did a fantastic job this year and got a great tree. ; I can't wait to decorate it this weekend. ; We will have to go out and buy a tree topper which I can't wait to do. ; I hope we can find a special one. ; And this year I get to hang all my disney ornaments. Yay!! ; Can't wait till the weekend. ;D
That's awesome!

We put our tree up last weekend! I love tree decorating. We have a fake tree, and I really do miss the smell of a real one. It doesn't quite smell like Christmas without it.............
I'm jealous. ; We still don't have ours up yet *sigh*

We're fake tree people, too... but I'm not sure I'd want a real one with the cats (it might end badly for all concerned).

Happy Hunting for your tree topper! :)
We still sacrifice a real tree every year... ; but haven't been able to do it yet.

We were supposed to get one last weekend... too busy... and this weekend... the kids have us running like crazy.... ;

I can't wait... ; got some new Disney ornaments ready to go!!!!
Well here it is. ; The tree that Sean picked out. ; He did a great job. ; The tree may seem plain, but most of those ornaments hold a great deal of sentimental value to me. ;

Pretty! :) ; So... what happened with your hunt for a tree topper? ; Any luck?

We finally got our tree up last week and Mom came over (while DH was at work) on Saturday and we strung the lights (I got a little crazy with the lights... I like a bright tree, so on my 7' tree, I've got 700 lights ; :o ; and if I'd found all of them in time, I might even have had more!!). ; I've got almost all my decorations up on it, now :) ; It's so nice to pull onto the driveway after running errands in the evening and seeing the tree twinkling through the front window *sigh* ; Counteracts the weather at the moment (today was a chilly one, by recent trends... it only hit 6 today ; ::) )