Never tried one - not my style. On the rare times I've gone to the park with friends' families and done the more traditional "hit-every-ride-stand-on-every-line-walk-till-your-feet-bleed" style that most Disney families seem to be putting themselves through, we've just self-guided and hit everything on the Disney maps of the parks (when tagging along with someone else, I'll let them do Disney the way they want to do it).
On the other hand, if they're coming with ME to Disney, then they're going to get MY style of Disney trip. No schedules, no tours, no guides, no must-dos, no rope-drops. I don't even plan what park I'm going to on what day...often which bus comes first to the stop dictates where I go.
I know a fair amount about Disney obviously, so I don't likely miss very much - though I do admit there are rides I forget to go on for a while, then 'rediscover' them on a future trip. And being able to go as often as I do, I don't worry about skipping a ride with a long line and just hitting it on the next trip - so following guides to hit certain places and rides on certain days and certain times is just entirely too structured and mission-like for me.
I might feel different if Disney was a several hour flight or overnight drive to get to - so I certainly don't blame those who do use such services. I've just confirmed that it's not for me.