Tips from parents who have travelled with infant


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So, I am 12 weeks pregnant.

We are planning to take a trip next Jan/Feb, which would have us travelling with a 3.5 yo, and a 6mth old.

WE are doing this with the sole thoughts in our head that at just under 6 mths, babe will still be (hopefully ) exclusively nursing, which means we don't need to worry about bringing any food/bottles etc. Very easy to travel.

However, I am having a hard time with transportation. I know I can hold babe on my lap during flight, but what about travel from airport to disney. WE won't rent a car, as we won't leave the grounds. WE would probably take magical express if it is available still, do we need a carseat? I can;t remember if they even had seatbelts on the busses?
First of all... CONGRATS! ; :D

My youngest DD was 18 mths on our first trip, so I can't help ou with the logistics. Do bring your stroller right to the airplane door so you can have it immediately at both airports. As for carseats, the buses did not have seatbelts.

Each baby is different -- at 6 mths, they may be in the infant carrier still (up to 20 pounds) in which case, I would definitely bring it for ease and comfort of transport (especially if it can click onto a stroller). My first DD didn't hit 20 pounds until after her first birthday. My second DD hit 20 pounds before 4 months! Ya never know. ; ;D

However, if they're already in a regular babyseat ... I'm not sure. Hopefully, Sean and Minnie or Realfam can answer baby questions. ; ;)

Again ... congrats ... and definitely take it slow at WDW and savour it!

I am planning to use a sling or carrier, so I don't know if we will even bring our stroller with us (it's quite large and bulky, and at 6 mths, the umbrollers don't offer enough support)
"weemcp" said:

I am planning to use a sling or carrier, so I don't know if we will even bring our stroller with us (it's quite large and bulky, and at 6 mths, the umbrollers don't offer enough support)

On our trip, I purchased a cheap stroller at Wal-mart for $30. It was more deluxe than an umbrella stroller. It had a canopy, basket, and all-important cup-holder! The back of it also went down so that baby could nap. It folded in-half and was considered a carry-on that could fit in the overheads. This is the closest I could find: ... 3&tabId=12

I thought it was nice to have at WDW because it held all the baby gear, and I also packed a little bag of juice and healthy snacks for my then DD3. At restaurants, it's easier to lie baby in it too.

After our trip, we ended up using it far more than our bulky regular stroller -- perfect for fitting in the lockers at swim classes, and a quick run to the mall.
Congrats on your exciting news!
If you have ever checked out any of our trip reports you will know that we have travelled with our youngest DD manys (6 times to WDW and 1 DCL), and she has just recently turned 2 a couple weeks ago.
Her first visit was at 5 months, and after several trips we realized it was easier to travel the youger she was. ; A few tips I can tell you that we learned were:
Flying with them on your lap, feeding at take off and landing really really helped her ears.
We always use ME and Disney transportation and have never had a problem holding her in our laps. ; Didn't feel the need for her car seat. ; People will always make a spot for you to sit with an infant. ; As for dad's like me, I have spent alot of time standing up holding the stroller and bags..
Not having a car we always use Garden Grocers. ; They are great! ; We have had all of groceries delivered from them including diapers, wipes, baby food, chips, veggies and even beer and wine. ; Again eliminates the need for a car. ; Prices are not bad
We have found the CM extremely accomendating to help with anything we may need for our DD.
Don't try and pack to much into a day. ; Although if you plan to do a park. ; Its easier the younger they are. ; We had no problems when she was under 1 years old. ; The last 2 trips as she was approaching 2, we had the odd major melt down. ; (which just makes you fit in with every other family with kids)
Stroller! ; Very important tool to a successful trip. ; I would disagree with getting a cheap stroller. ; Get a really good stroller that will let the little one sleep comfortably. ; Sleeping baby makes for an enjoyable vacation
I personally would encourage you to go. ; If you have any questions just let us know,weve been there.
I'd agree with much of what was said, having travellled while pregnant and with a wee one. ; My only addition - staying at a monorail hotel makes escaping back to the hotel awfully easy - you can zip back to the Contemporary, Magic Kingdom, or Grand Floridian quickly from MK, and have a nap, refresh, swim = then go again.

Go and have a fantastic time!