Time to break out the Vaccu-Muppet!


Staff member
That's enough of Waldo, Beaker.

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Great use of the polarized filter. I think I was already fast asleep by this part of the movie
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oh ray, say it isn't so, how could you

this is only imho clearly the best at the studios, and maybe the world, if they ever take this out i may in fact discontinue going to the world

my neice, age 34, clearly remembers uncle gary having a standing date every weekend to watch the muppets with her, she was 4 at the time, cost me a girlfriend once because i wouldn't go to some party of hers until after my muppet date with marcia was over
good for you gary!

Great shot Tim! I really like the use of the polarized filter to capture the 3-D effect.
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"gary" said:
oh ray, say it isn't so, how could you

Gary, don't take my actions as an editorializing of the content. I LOVE this attraction, but I had a habit of falling asleep on any of the theatre attractions. That included Mickey's Philharmagic, Hall of Presidents, Carousel of Progress and Country Bears. I was exhausted before I got to WDW due to some serious candle burning from both ends
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