

one of my favorite photo subjects, we have 6 cats and these bigger kitties sometimes act just like the smaller ones
i also have one of my tiger photos over on the ak section of allearsnet, it's one i feel i can show to anyone

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here's one of my favorite tiger photos...

taken with the canon 75-300 is/usm lens...

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Well I can't quite touch either of those. Gary, yours looks JUST like Shere Khan to me.. I mean yeah, I know that Shere Khan is a tiger.. but that one really reminds me of a cartoon tiger, in an abstract way it looks like it's smiling.
Tim, well.. they never behave like that for me.

So instead, I present you with tongue, and sleepy. Sleepy was shot through glass, and highly post processed to get rid of the white reflection of the light behind me, it's still lacking in sharpness because of the glass. Tongue isn't spectacular, but at least it's a bit unique.

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Well, this is a wet tiger.... no where near as nice as the previous shots, but it's the only tiger shot I have that doesn't have either some body part of my son's in it, or is of the tiger's backside. :-\

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awesome shots, ilene. so THAT's what L glass does, huh? now i am really stoked for mousefest.
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"Tim" said:
awesome shots, ilene. so THAT's what L glass does, huh? now i am really stoked for mousefest.

Sorry to burst your bubble, Tim, but both of those were taken with the old 75-300mm IS.
However, I'm sure you will be thrilled with your new lenses, and I'm looking forward to seeing lots of great new photos!
quite the contrary, ilene. if that's non-L glass, then that's even better. but no matter, what glass it was, they are great shots.
Mine were L. And they weren't as sharp and nice. Hmm.. ya'know, there's a lesson in this somewhere....

Actually, my second one was taken through glass, which is the best way to totally spoil everything a high quality lens gives you. And I was fighting a strong reflection in post processing. My first one.. well, I have no excuses there.

Nice shots ilene, especially the second, I like the angle. It feels very up close and personal.
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great shots, and it makes me feel good, just yesterday i rented the new 70-300 4.5-5.6 IS for 2 weeks to bring to wdw and give it a go on the safari ride, i'm thinking of getting this lens for the european cruise next year since it's light and not real conspicuous and this is my chance to put it through it's paces, i'll still bring the 70-200 f4 L so i can do a little comparison
isn't it funny how many of us are tiger shooters, they really are fun to shoot
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