The original Subs. Bonus: Monorail Mk ?? in the background


Staff member
My wife's parents have a ton of slides that I am still scanning. On those slides are a lot of classic DL stuff. Including when they had a stagecoach attraction in Frontierland. And the Indian teepee that you may have seen on the Kurt Russell/Osmonds meet the Haunted Mansion episode of Disney's Wonderful World of Color.

Anyway, here's the Skipjack!

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&quot;rlongenbach&quot; said:
And the Indian teepee that you may have seen on the Kurt Russell/Osmonds meet the Haunted Mansion episode of Disney's Wonderful World of Color.

Does anyone know if this has been released yet? We are still watching the VHS I taped off "Vault Disney" when Disney Channel was more than just kids stuff.
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