The Nex chapter

:D I did it- returned the SL1-two lens, exchange- they have a NEX 6 arriving from Gainesville-with 1 lens- no bag ( already have the bag- but did get to keep the Extreme Plus 16 g Sandisk card- and will walk away with Lightroom extra money put of pocket. ; Can I say I love my best buy management team. They always deliver for me. They price matched for me- gave me credit on the bag- $50 gift card credit- matched the saving for lightroom- etc....

I have to confess- I really wanted the NEX to begin with- but the lure of two lens- drew me in-so I will learn with the lens it comes with- and grow from there ;) will search through the posts for tips and other things on the NEX6 and know that there is a few of you out there that can answer specific questions related to this camera.

Sorry for driving you and me crazy- I really was doing alot of reading...I think I made the right decision.....
Carry on- crisis averted..... ;

Okay first question- remotes for this camera---which one do you use?
Spare batteries- any preferences?

Thanks in advance,
Peg who is NOT a crazy as her last couple of posts
The camera has either an IR remote or the smartphone remote. The cheap ones work okay.

As for batteries I have had zero problems with the two Wasabi brand pack from Amazon. It also comes with a standalone charger which is nice because Sony no longer includes a charger. The camera charges the battery through USB.
Sorry, I just replied to your Canon thread, and didn't notice you made the switch already! ; But do read the thread - I think it's quite important and still applicable to your new NEX6. ; I think you might encounter a few of the same problems, and the advice still stands - get into the picture settings and tune them so the output is more to your liking, and consider getting over to P program mode rather than full Auto so you can choose the focus area and metering modes - these two things make a huge difference to the reliability of the focus and metering, while still allowing most of the camera's auto functions to work the same way.
What he said. I also have to add: read and study the manual that comes with the camera. Most problems have their answers there.

Thanks folks-read it over in the canon thread!!! will read manual- and am ordering from Amazon the Matsumoto book on the NEX6- Dont have the camera in hand yet- they are sending it up from Gainesville....should have by Saturday.
Also reading the threads that pretain to other "things" that new NEX users have dealt with. ; I can do it...I can do it...I can do it...

I guess I was just assuming that so much of what is posted is THAT good out of the camera.....hmmm...guessing not....

Thanks again everyone...REALLY appreciate your feedback.

Actually, it CAN be good out of the just need to tune up the camera to deliver what you want. ; I'm a 99% JPG shooter - I do enough RAW shooting for hired shoots, so for pleasure I stick to JPG - and though I know how to process, I generally don't like to. ; I always go into every new camera's menu, and start playing with the JPG settings until the camera is delivering what I like, and then set the metering mode and focus mode for each camera how it works best and most reliably for me. ; 90% of what I post from both my cameras are right from the camera, only cropped and/or resized to post. ; Now, whether any of it is good or not is up to others to decide, but I'm happy enough with it that way! ; And I'm done with all my Pixelmania photos 3-4 days after I get home. ; ;)
Wooohoo---my best buy overnighted the camera to our location- its in...and I got a sweet offer for 5X the points for purchases made in store today and tomorrow in ; my email box.....that equals 85$ in rewards- holding a 15$ reward- so got $100 to put toward another lens... ; :) ; okay now to work- to pay for this ;