The Hat

It would be nice to see the hat gone, but so much of Kevin and Lutz stuff is rumor mill I will wait and see.

Back to the tripod issue, I carry a Manfrotto 785B ; MODO Tripod because of size and weight. It fits easily into lockers and also can be carried with a water bottle carrier like Disney sells in the parks. Just throw it over you shoulder.

I also carry a canvas shoulder bag that has a flap cover I picked up at the Animal Kingdom. I can fit my Panasonic DVC 30 camcorder
plus batteries, lens etc.

I rarely carry a real camera bag anymore. Maybe to store at home but that about it. For travel I use a Pelican case.

If I forget my tripod I have two other methods not counting trashcans which I have used many times. A small bean bag is good and pliable so you can sit your camera on it and adjust as necessary. A good zip lock can also work in place of the bean bag. You can fill it almost any where with sand or dirt and dump the material when your done right back were you got it.

I was out shooting at Disneyland one night with a Flickr friend and he pulled out twine attached to a tripod screw which he attached to his camera and on the other end of the twine was a large washer. He then steps on the washer and pulls the twine tight, supports his elbow in his side and got great steady night exposures.

After all the prep of getting my equipment ready, I just hate when I forget my shutter trigger cable and have to use the timer! ; :mad:

I have used the lockers at the Studios and they hold a lot. I too wonder when they will go to lockers like we now have at DL. They are very convenient.
A bean bag would definitely have helped in my situation since the camera bag does not provide a solid grip on the camera.

Here is another shot on a slightly different angle which I decided I didn;t like and moved to the center position.

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That's a nice angle of the hat... ; If you could catch that sometime when they have the search lights turned off (if they ever turn them off), that would be a great shot
"mSummers" said:
That's a nice angle of the hat... ; If you could catch that sometime when they have the search lights turned off (if they ever turn them off), that would be a great shot

Are the search lights ever off? I've never seen them off myself. A little photoshop and the lights could be gone.
I don't think I've ever seen them off either. ; I remember a post from a while ago where someone attended private party after hours at DHS and all of the lights in the park were significantly dimmed when they left. ; I didn't know if you could catch them turned off after something like that or not
I actually like the lights, but here is one without. ; This is a shorter exposure, but now I can't remember if the lights were on or off at this point.

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"Roger" said:
That looks like a Bogen bag...

That it is, Roger. ; It's a 725B Digi Tripod with Integrated Ball Head. It was a good compromise of size and weight. ; It handles my heaviest lenses without a problem. BTW, you have to get the LARGE locker size as I found out at DHS.