The Eyes have it... (SOLVED)

Re: The Eyes have it...

Okay, keep guessing, but here is a photo with a little more detail... Will this make it easy?

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Re: The Eyes have it...

Here are my thoughts on how long these should go before posting the answer. My original intent for the WAI's was for it to be a quick and fun game to see if you could identify the location of the pic within a reasonable amount of time, a way to test your visual knowledge of the parks. I initially started the WAI's as a way for our family members, some who are more into Disney than my wife and I and who go more often than we did(their son was a cast memeber), to guess where we were in the parks when they could not be there with us. I would take the pics and then upload them to my web site each day and they would email me the answers. It was a way for us to stay connected and still have fun together while we were apart. It has progressed now to include, what I consider, my extended WDW family. I think when they go on for a prolonged period of time, people lose interest and it becomes more of a contest as to see who can narrow the answer down by multiple guesses. Personally, I am the type of person who likes things done in an expeditions manner. I think that is why I like working in the ER so much where things move at a fast pace and are over quickly. So, I like the shorter WAI's . There are probably others who like them longer. Seems like there is a mixture of both right now and I don't really see any reason to change things. Anyway, those are my thoughts. Let's see what Tim has to say.
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Re: The Eyes have it...

The only think I don't want is for this to become a contest to see who can get the most obscure WAI where it takes a miracle to get correct (ie. cropped so tight that even the Imagineers can't get it right).

That being said, I still have no idea where this ladybug is but I am eagerly awaiting the answer.
Re: The Eyes have it...

I agree Tim. I think we all could crop a pic so tight that no one would be able to get the answer. I have really enjoyed seeing all the fun everyone is having with this. Do I see a MF event in this?
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Re: The Eyes have it...

quite possibly. there have been a few things discussed behind the scenes for TMIP events.
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Re: The Eyes have it...

I think Kevin Yee did it this year at MF. As close as you can without needing a printer or posting online.
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Re: The Eyes have it...

Okay, I will succumb to the discussion. As for the Location of the "Where Am I", it is in Toon Town. The problem that everyone is having is that the area it is in was apparently had only been open for three days to me being there. And if you are not a fanatic about Meeting Characters (or wanted to wait 30 to 40 minutes in line) you definitely would not have seen it. So here it is....DRUMROLL...The location is the Shrinking Hallway that leads us from the Mainland to Pixie Hollow (the Meet and Greet location for Tinker Bell and Friends). Amazingly enough, as the Line for Pixie Hollow was 30-40 minutes, you could walk right into the Princess room with no wait.
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Re: The Eyes have it...

So here are the Photos of Pixie Hollow...

The Shrinking Hallway...[attachment=1]



and Fawn...[attachment=4]

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Re: The Eyes have it...

phew, glad the suspense is over! thanks for sharing those pics!
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Re: The Eyes have it...

Like I said, It opened up for the first time on that Wednesday prior to Mousefest (Friday's Christmas Party was third night open).