Re: The Eyes have it...
Here are my thoughts on how long these should go before posting the answer. My original intent for the WAI's was for it to be a quick and fun game to see if you could identify the location of the pic within a reasonable amount of time, a way to test your visual knowledge of the parks. I initially started the WAI's as a way for our family members, some who are more into Disney than my wife and I and who go more often than we did(their son was a cast memeber), to guess where we were in the parks when they could not be there with us. I would take the pics and then upload them to my web site each day and they would email me the answers. It was a way for us to stay connected and still have fun together while we were apart. It has progressed now to include, what I consider, my extended WDW family. I think when they go on for a prolonged period of time, people lose interest and it becomes more of a contest as to see who can narrow the answer down by multiple guesses. Personally, I am the type of person who likes things done in an expeditions manner. I think that is why I like working in the ER so much where things move at a fast pace and are over quickly. So, I like the shorter WAI's . There are probably others who like them longer. Seems like there is a mixture of both right now and I don't really see any reason to change things. Anyway, those are my thoughts. Let's see what Tim has to say.