The countdown is on


7 more days until our December trip to Disney World. ; Sean and I are so excited and we are preparing Kailey by brainwashing her with Toy Story movies, and watching video of MVMCP online. ; She loves it so far. ;

We also can't wait to get out of the weather here in Calgary. ; Today of all days, Alberta was the second coldest place on the planet, next to the South Pole, or at least that is what they are saying on the radio. ; Winter has definitely arrived here and we can't wait to shed our winter clothes for summer ones. ; A friend of mine has been messaging the temps the last couple of days and let's just say we will need shorts!!

Who else is going in December?
Don't you love doing the single digit countdown to your Disney vacation!!! ; ; We arrive on the 4th, and I am going crazy with work trying to organize myself so I can be away. ; People always ask me if its worth the stress.....I reply bet it is!
Our DD has know hit the age were she's running around the house in her Cinderella dress,,,and yes its coming. ; I guess we'll have to think about getting ourselves organized to go.
Just returned yesterday; only about 1/2 an hour of rain in the whole 7 days we were there! ; Temps. mostly early-mid 80's but a bit chilly in the mornings (early) and evenings. ; Definitely shorts and t-shirt weather during the day!
Wish you were going to carry our luggage too highland. ; There is just way too much luggage for 3 people. ;

Getting ready to leave soon so I guess I better go wake up the two sleepy heads!
Hey Minne

Hamettes and I are at WDW right now. ; Leaving early Sunday AM Dec 5th. I drop them off at MCO and drive back to Mississauga

Call me

321.438.6421 Ham Ham FLA Phone. A local call from WDW

We are staying at Wyndham Bonnet Creel
Sorry Ham Ham, we just didn't get chance to do much of anything this trip.

Sonny, I sure hope the reservation system is up and working by the time you get there. ; We must have spent over 2 hours totla getting new room keys, charging privileges and just getting through all the kayos of changing rooms. ; It was Horrible!!
Hello from WDW! ; Where did everyone go..........are we the only ones here.. ; ; A bit chilly but were having a great time. ;
So far weve stayed 3 nights at SSR and just moved to AKV (our favourite spot). ; We have done MK, DHS, shopping and I even squeeszed in a 8km run today. ; Love christmas at Disney!
We made it home this past Monday. ; I can't say that we had the greatest time, but we really liked AKV as well. ; Enjoy the rest of your trip!