The Aftermath


I'm home and back to work today after a typically great MouseFest.

A fun time was had by most, including me, except for my buddy, Ray Sharpton, who was tragically struck by some horrible bug and spent all of MouseFest laid up sick in his resort. MouseFest was certainly the poorer for his absense.

Most people seemed to enjoy the new diggs at the Contemporary and the Yacht Club convention centers. The biggest differences I saw were having MF101 indoors, so the presenters didn't have to shout over the castle forecourt shows, and it was nice to have snacks and drinks at the Chairman's Kickoff.

I enjoyed all of the traditional meets like MF101, the Dole Whip Meet, the MegaMouseMeet, TriviaFest, PodFest, and MouuuussseeeFest, as well as a few new meets.

And most importantly, MouseFest provided many with an opportunity to see friends whom we only see once a year, and to make lots of new friends. I seem to come home every year with at least a half-dozen new faces in my mind - whose names I usually forget until I encounter them again on one of the message board communities (I have a terrible memory for associating names with faces). Any of you whom I met for the first time - Hello! And forgive me if I don't recognize you on the boards.

I spent several hours Tuesday post-processing my pics while I unpacked, and uploaded them yesterday; you can see them all here:
Will's MouseFest Pics - Wednesday
oh the humanity... nice shot, will. i totally forgot about that one.

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yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm short. But at least I have the biggest biceps in the community ;)
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"Tim" said:
oh the humanity... nice shot, will. i totally forgot about that one.

You just hadta go there, didcha Tim ~

That belongs on the silly shot thread ;D

and yes, Ray probably has the biggest guns here!
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So, Tim... did you go get a haircut at the Harmony Barbershop with Ray? Oh, wait.... ;D

Now I'm scared to put some pictures of me on here! (Got your back, Ray... we're a whole family of shorties. I'm 5'2" and my husband is 5'6" on a good day.)
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Will great shots! I recognize a few of those faces :). Your Fort Wilderness Campground shots are great. We went after you recommended it to us and took a carriage ride around to see them. It was cool. Thanks for sharing your photos.
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"molander" said:
So, Tim... did you go get a haircut at the Harmony Barbershop with Ray? Oh, wait.... ;D

that's cold.
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