Telephoto and Widescreen Lens with Canon A590


Besides my introduction post, this is my first thread that i have created. ; Love the website! ;

I was given a Canon A590 digital camera for fathers day 2 years ago. ; It takes great basic photos. ; Colors are nice and bright. ; We are staying at BLT with a lake view and Animal Kingdom Lodge with a Savanna View on our 25th wedding anniversary trip at the end of November for 7 days. ; Looking forward to a relaxing trip. ; After 4 back surgeries, I am looking for some new hobbies since Tennis is no longer on the list and restoring an old MGB is not going to be on the list for a while. ; Tough to get in and out of the drivers seat with a bad back. ; So, I am very new to this and have one or two novice questions. ;

Looking at in the accessory section, I have found that you can take the current lens off my Canon A590 and put an adopter ring on the body and install either a telephoto lens or wide angle/fish lens.

Is this worth it ? ; Can you get some decent shots with the new lens or not really ? ; Any suggestions would be appreciated! ; I could see these lenses being a lot of on the deck of the top of the world restaurant deck. ; I am starting to read about the future questions might be on that subject!

Welcome to the forums pbb!

My old S1IS had the same option - you can unscrew the ring around the lens, install this adapter, and then you can use filters, or add-on lenses.

Another person on the forum was thinking about getting one of the telephoto adapters, but I'm not sure if he ever did. ; Couldn't find any pictures with them. ; So I can't vouch for their quality or not; however, the cost is very minimal. ; So it might not hurt to try. ; But you will see some image degradation - it happens with any kind of teleconverter.
I had something similar back with my Sony H5 ultrazoom...I had used the 1.7x teleextender lens often for my wildlife shooting, and must say the quality was quite decent - not up to DSLR standards, but a lot cheaper and smaller, so quite good enough even for making some 8x10 prints. ; I had also picked up a used wide angle converter, but honestly never got much opportunity to use it before I ended up getting a DSLR and started collecting lenses. ; I think as long as you get a decent quality converter lens, and as long as you don't expect DSLR quality, you don't loose too much over the standard quality of your camera's output when adding a converter - maybe a little lens abberation or purple-fringing sometimes - and you get a nice expansion of the lens' range. ; If you can get them cheap, I'd tend to think they're worth it, unless you're considering replacing the entire camera soon.

Oh...and welcome!