
Ok, stupid question, but what happens to the speed of a telephoto lens, or any lens for that matter, when you add say a 2X teleconverter. Is the speed halved?
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you lose two f/stops worth of exposure. ie. a 2x tele at f/4 is really f/8 for shutter speed. so really your shutter speed is reduced to 1/4 of what it would have been.

ie. 1/1000sec at f/4 = 1/500sec at f/5.6 = 1/250sec at f/8 need a lot of light to use a TC unless it's on a fast lens (ie. f/2.8 or so)
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And only one stop with a 1.4x.

Got some great shots this week with the 70-200 + 1.4tc. I have too many to go through right now, so it's going to take some time to get them online.
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