Taping of the 2009 Christmas Day Parade??????


Were in WDW in Dec on a DVC visit and would love to take our DD's to the taping of this years Christmas Day Parade at the magic Kingdom. ; And then they could watch it again christmas day.
Anyone out there have any info on this?
Although it sounds glamorous, it's actually a very boring day!

I had friends who did a couple of years ago, the tapings made for a very long day! ; A lot of standing around and doing nothing! ; And if it's a hot day, you sweat in your Christmas finery!LOL

I'm seeing them again this Holiday weekend and wll ask them if they recommend doing it or not.

Will get back to you!
It usually is the first week end in December. The week-end shooting allows Regis & Kelly not to disrupt their daily show and the Parks are already decorated for Christmas.

I'll see if I can find out some more info.