Takin' it on the chin...somewhere? (SOLVED)

Re: Takin' it on the chin...somewhere?

Cooleo - wrong on the word, but you've pretty much pinned the location. I'm thinking I'm gonna have to give you credit for the solve on that one!

This is basically part of the multi-faceted facade of Pecos Bill, facing out towards the turkey leg cart and towards the side against Country Bear Jamboree. The "chin" comes from "Chinese Laundry"...an old west staple, and is a small false storefront squeezed in next to the Pecos Bill sign. Take a look for it next time!

Solved, by Cooleo!
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wow. I've walked by that a thousand times and never noticed it. Good one Justin
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Neither had I, honestly. This trip I was actually trying to look for details I hadn't looked at before, for the 'where am I' threads. This was after a quick drink and snack at the patio area of Pecos Bill, I decided to walk over to Liberty Square entirely on the boardwalk balconies of the storefronts of Frontierland, rather than the big wide sidewalk. It opened my eyes to dozens of stores, facades, signs, posters, and other things I either never saw before or hadn't since I was a kid!
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I had never noticed that one before either, will check it out in April when we are down there, no matter how many times I go I can always find many things I have overlooked or just never paid attention to.