Re: Tables in Wonderland (formerly Disney's Dining Experience)
It winds up being more than a 2% savings because I think the 18% gratuity is on the 20% discounted price (i.e., if the total bill is $100, you would be charged $94.40 [$20 discount, so bill is $80. 18% of $80 is 14.40, so a total of $94.40 with a savings of $5.60] versus a flat 2% discount would leave a total bill of $98 or $2 savings). Or, if it helps, it is almost like you get 20% off, but they add a 15% gratuity on the original bill for gratuity.
Of course, I am sure if you had bad service or want to add more or less you can always speak to someone in the restaurant to change it for you. I have some current version of the card with that new arrangement, and it's worked out fine because it doesn't really change what I would have done anyway. It just forces someone to have to take a little more initiative if they don't want to tip (I personally think this might have been a response to the increase in foreign travelers in the past few years because of the low rate of the dollar who are not used to tipping as much as Americans.)