June 3-7, 2009 Mini Trip report follow-up
Well, last I left off, I had slept overnight in AK. ;
Just wanted to finish off the blow-by-blow of the trip. ; It rained every day we were there, at some point during the day. ; And I can't say it bothered me in the least. ; The coolest and most pleasant moments were when the storms came, dropped the temps by 10 degrees, brought a breeze along, and scared some of the crowd away. ; For the most part, it was Florida rain - 15-20 minutes of hellfire and damnation, followed by bright sunshine and heat, like nothing ever happened. ; Only Thursday was fairly determined to stay rainy throughout - even then, we only got rained on a few times throughout the day, which otherwise stayed fairly grey and drab. ; No problems ducking into a quick shelter or ride during the rain, and find it gone when we got out.
The last day (Saturday), I started the day at Hollywood Studios. ; It rained hard in the morning before I headed over, grounded the boat from Boardwalk to HS until lightning abated, but by a little after noon, they started up. ; Spent 2-3 hours there - it looked VERY crowded, yet as with all the other days, heading to any of the rides proved that the parks weren't as crowded as they seemed...Tower of Terror was a 20 minute standby, Rockn Roller Coaster was 30 standby. ; Everything else was pretty much walk-on (except I didn't go the direction of Toy Story, so don't know how that one was). ; Had lunch at Rosie's, then hopped the boat to Beach and walked into Epcot. ; No problems there either - Soarin in 20 min standby this time...in the late afternoon!, walkon for U of Energy and Maelstrom. ; Again crowds looked thick, but proved to just be standing around all of the sidewalks and walkways, or walking around - not actually going on any rides! ;

; I don't get it...but I ain't complainin!
Sunday, departed at 11am, drove home with not a drop of rain until I hit my hometown city limits, and even then a light sprinkle. ; Unpacked the car, turned on weather to see what the afternoon would be, and there were severe T-storm warnings, hail, and tornado watches up for a 60-mile stretch of the drive home I just completed! ; I made it home 20 minutes before the storms opened up fiercely.
Now...hundreds of pics to process and resize! ; Now...work. ; See y'all later tonight1