Well....for me, I think it's about having a passion for something again. ; It's been a long time since I have cared enough about something I am doing to struggle or feel frustrated with it. ; I actually care enough about this, to want to be really good at it. ; No matter how long it takes.
I think I have an artistic side, that I've never really nourished or allowed to grow. ; It keeps trying to pop out..and in the daily grind and the push of responsibility, I constantly shove it aside and focus on things I consider more important. ; That isn't so for me, at present. ; Maybe it's that I'm in my mid-forties and my kids are getting older and I'm realizing that life doesn't last forever. ; Probably it's a culmination of a lot of life experiences in the last decade that have completely changed me. ; Or...maybe it's just life, interesting me again, in new and different ways.
I don't know, Dan...but it's fun to think about it. ; That's why I love your stream of consciousness posts. ; Because they're like a prism held up to a sunny window...with all sorts of facets to grab onto, if you wish.
So, yeah...it resonates.