Star Wars Weekends 2013

The Rebel Legion really dug deep for this character. Willrow Hood made a brief appearance in The Empire Strikes Back while everyone was evacuating Cloud City. He's now known as the "ice cream guy" thanks to the item he was carrying at the time.

Willrow Hood
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I did another of my theme weeks on Flickr. This time it was all bad guys/girls/things from Star Wars Weekends.

Remember that scene from The Empire Strikes Back where Vader lectures the bounty hunters? Dengar was the one on the left.

No disintegrations? No fun!

You can imagine that Zam Wesell is winking at you, if you like.

Is that a wink?

The head bad guy himself, Emperor Palpatine.

Imperial evil
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Great stuff Dennis!!! ; Of course, it is in Empire that Dengar makes his appearance. ; But is it when Vader does his lecture (something about not needing a tray?)
Thanks for catching my mistake, John. ; I was thinking Empire but my fingers typed Return.

Here's the scene to refresh your memory (from


Vader stands in the back control area of his ship's bridge with a motley group of men and creatures. Admiral Piett and two controllers stand at the front of the bridge and watch the group with scorn.

PIETT: Bounty hunters. We don't need that scum.


PIETT: Those Rebels won't escape us.

A second controller interrupts.

SECOND CONTROLLER: Sir, we have a priority signal from the Star Destroyer Avenger.

PIETT: Right.

The group standing before Vader is a bizarre array of galactic fortune hunters: There is Bossk, a slimy, tentacled monster with two huge, bloodshot eyes in a soft baggy face; Zuckuss and Dengar, two battle-scarred, mangy human types; IG-88, a battered, tarnished chrome war droid; and Boba Fett, a man in a weapon-covered armored space suit.

VADER: ...there will be a substantial reward for the one who finds the Millennium Falcon. You are free to use any methods necessary, but I want them alive. No disintegrations.

BOBA FETT: As you wish.
Very cool! ; I think over Christmas break I may need to watch them all back to back again. ; Did that about 2 years ago with my daughter, only I think she will probably skip this time.
If you have the chance you also need to watch the Robot Chicken Star Wars Special. ; They have this scene in it, but the bounty hunters all give Bossk (the lizard like one) a hard time for not wearing shoes.

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Very cool Dennis! ; Once again, I am going to miss out this year. ; But next year when I have an active AP, it may be time finally for me.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed (as well as my eyes) for the very minuscule possibility of being able to attend one of the weekends this year. ; Unfortunately it is an almost last minute trip with only a few days notice if I can go.

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For those of you going to Star Wars Weekends I recommend this thread for excellent information about the event.

I got THE BEST information by using this source and it really helped me plan my trip and set priorities. This year things are changing up so it will pay to keep up with the latest news. It's a lot of posts to go through but it will well orient you to the event and the tips and strategies that people post about, especially after the event starts, are worth their weight in Galactic credits.

Right now the thread is throwing around a lot of speculation and guessing but about a month before the first weekend is the time to start paying attention. The thread will max out at about 250 pages but a new one will respawn so check the Theme Parks, Attractions and Strategies board if the direct link listed above has timed out.

When I heard they bagged Hoopla I was crushed but it has sort of run it's course as far as the story line is concerned. Rumor has it they will replace that with something more than just the fireworks they have announced but we shall see...

I really feel they should do a Star Wars Show in the Indiana Jones theater. The seating and sight lines would better accommodate the audience for this. I know I mentioned that I staked out a front row center spot for Hyperspace Hoopla something like 6 hours in advance to get my Star Wars shots. I got to do that twice because after waiting for 4 hours on my first day we were rained out and the show was cancelled! Yep.... the Indiana Jones Theater is definitely gonna be better IF they go that route.

PS. Don't tell Karl but I plan on trying to do Star Wars Weekends in 2015 ; 8)