Star Wars pins!!!

I'll be there the first weekend and plan on buying a set. ; I'll be happy to pick up an extra AP pin for you. ; Unfortunately, I'm not a DVC menber so we're both out of luck on that one.
I'd send you my extra DVC card if they didn't start checking IDs this year (probably depends on who you get as a cashier). ; Wouldn't mind getting a few of those pins myself as well. ; I wonder if they will have any special pins related to Celebration V that is in Orlando in August.
I'll be there the 2nd weekend, but I still want that Han Solo one. If they have any left maybe I can turn on my charm or have my daughter turn on the tears!
Look at this awesome display they had last year!

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"RedOctober25" said:
I'd send you my extra DVC card if they didn't start checking IDs this year

They were checking ID when I showed my AP last December, so they most likely would do the same thing for DVC. ; But now that I think about it, maybe they needed to see my ID because I was using a credit card. ; Either way, they'll know I'm not you.

Craig, where was the carbonite slab located? ; I want to be sure and see it if it's there this year.
"ddindy" said:
They were checking ID when I showed my AP last December, so they most likely would do the same thing for DVC. ; But now that I think about it, maybe they needed to see my ID because I was using a credit card. ; Either way, they'll know I'm not you.

well thanks for the offer anyways!
"ddindy" said:
Craig, where was the carbonite slab located?

I'm not sure, somewhere near the "store" jabba's store?

we were the only ones in the room, it was completely empty of people and stuff. the room looked like it could have been set up for a meet and greet waiting area maybe? but with no ropes up yet.