Southwest to Buy Airtran

Ham Ham

With Realfam's frequent trips to MCO Southwest has decided to scoop up Airtran.

More form the NTY. ... ss&emc=rss

One of the main reasons southwest will buy AirTran is so they will have access to the routes that have been assigned to them in the skys. Meaning Southwest will be able to fly or reassign the routes where they see fit.
I hope they keep the Airtran flight from Harrisburg to Orlando. That flight has been fantastic for me as I haven't had to worry about changing planes in Philly, DC or Charlotte.

Maybe the route will stay....minus the baggage fees. I can only hope.
Great news Hamham........

Most of our bookings lately have been with Southwest (with our most recent purchase for the marathon $84 direct incl everything)... ; This means no $15 charges per bag and if anything more flights out of Buffalo. ; Actually Southwest has been increasing ; there flights.
So let me get this straight, the airline with the most reasonable rates (notice I did not say cheapest), seems to be the most profitable and buying up its competitors in the US. ; Does this mean that our beloved Air Canada and other canadian airlines have just been ripping us off for years and ben extremely mismanaged with poor staff that do not understnd the meaning of customer service!!!!

Good for Southwest!!!!! ; I'm happy for them....maybe other airlines will eventually learn something from them