Sony Lens "camera" leaked before official announcement today


Staff member
They actually posted their You Tube video ahead of time too: ... -pictures/

Basically Sony is releasing two new "cameras" which are wireless cameras the size and form factor of a lens. ; It can be attached to your cell phone, which becomes the viewfinder using PlayMemories (just like the NEX cameras)

For $500 you can get the same larger than compact sensor (20mp) as their $750 RX100 camera with a 3.6x Zeiss (max of f/1.8) lens, or for $250 you can get a 10x Sony G lens with an 18mp compact camera sensor lens.


Video shows some of the things you can do with this lens that no other camera on the market can do right now. (imagine being able to detach your lens and put it someplace that only a lens can fit while you can take pictures with a large LCD screen someplace else)

Oh, and this rumor was so out in left field, cnet even posted a YouTube video mentioning that they didn't believe it: ; (its about halfway in)

Re: Sony Lens "camera" leaked before official announcement today

Really, really... odd. ;
Funny thing - even though I don't have or use a smart phone, if I were thinking of buying a P&S camera, I can see this making a lot of sense. ; Since MOST people do have smart phones, and most P&S cameras are trying to integrate more 'app' centric style anyway, having a lens that attaches to a smart phone you already have with you, and having a small dedicated battery in the lens camera that doesn't have to power an LCD, plus an NFR/wifi connection which can allow the lens to separate from the phone/LCD sounds very cool. ; The lens held freely wherever is convenient means getting cool angles and tight spots can be shot with ease, while the LCD remains in front of your face. ; Or connect it to the bracket on the phone and it pretty much works like a P&S. ; It makes sense to me.

On a side note, I think the stagnant and controversial up-skirt photo market is going to see a huge resurgence with this thing, which could start a new rash of complaints.
IN the net shots could be pretty wild - I'd be a little worried about a puck strike, but like you said, could be fairly easy to protect with some kind of small PVC pipe surround or something. ; Supposedly the wifi/NFC is good for 30 feet+.

It should be easy to stick the little guy through the photo holes in the hockey glass.

I can see journalists loving the ability to stick the lens around a corner to photograph the rebels firing guns without risking themselves in the firing line.

On the useless fun side, I could see some fun video or stills shots of my cat coming down the hallway in stalking mode while I hide behind the door, since she won't know I can see and photograph her with the small black device lying on the ground.

Not that I'm getting one of these, but I can just see some of the possibilities where it could be fun or interesting.
Re: Sony Lens "camera" leaked before official announcement today

"Tim" said:
Really, really... odd.

In a way, yes. But innovative. ; Very low risk for Sony too. The sensors and lenses are basically coming from other cameras so they just had to put the wifi and I think a memory card in. ; And move the battery.
Re: Sony Lens "camera" leaked before official announcement today

I think that I'm at least interested if only for the handheld nfr/wifi ability alone. ; Could produce some crazy wicked shots with a little modification.

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Re: Sony Lens "camera" leaked before official announcement today

FWIW these are now the #1 digital cameras on Amazon. They have also sold out of their expected first shipment from Sony.