Sony also announced the NEX-6, a blend of the 7 and 5


Staff member
It's got the new 5 sensor

The built in EVF from the NEX-7

One control dial

Touch screen with the new app support and WiFi

Pop-up flash AND a hot shoe.

They also have a power zoom lens available.
Not only the power zoom, but I think the other lenses are of some note as well: ; a lens-stabilized 35mm F1.8 prime is pretty trick, as well as a stabilized 11-18mm ultrawide F4 constant. ; Those are actually pretty cool lenses - stabilized primes have always been the domain of in-body stabilized cameras, so having a lens-stabilized 35mm F1.8 is cool.
Why does it come down to constantly waiting for the next best thing or buying a camera that is outdated in a month? ; Had the same thing happen with the purchase of my previous phone. ; It just never ends... :(

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