Some of the details, even obscure ones


Staff member
Tim had a blog post about the little details in DAK, - like the ads all over Harambe. Some are real, some aren't.

On board the Discovery Wildlife Excursion "Please be seated until we get back onstage" Van -

<img src="" />

This van is only seen by under 42 guests each day. (probably less, I don't know if they use this van for the sunrise safari)

Yet it has details. Details that honestly aren't necessary since the tour isn't what you call "magical".

Try that at the San Diego Zoo/Wild Animal Park.
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i did the safari at the wild animal park and it was pretty darn amazing. we got to feed the giraffe out of our hands and then got to pet a rhino while feeding it apple chunks. awesome stuff, they took us right up to the animals. i love the san diego parks, will be going to the SDZ in june... can't wait.
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