Some Disneyland rumors (and yes, WDW is a factor too)


Staff member
- Star Tours 2.0 delayed to 2011 because WDW has decided not to pay their share, so it looks like maybe only the new ride at DL and Tokyo. But it seems that the new ride will incorporate some technology from the Laugh Floor a la guest interaction during the random ride.

- Remember, Dreams Come True (the best fireworks show on all Disney property) will be shuttered Summer 2009 for a less expansive show that doesn't require half the park to be shut down for most of the night

And.... The Bank of Main Street will be closing shortly to become the new home of the Disney Gallery, that lost its' old home when they decided to finish Walt & Roy's apartment in New Orleans Square. At the same time Lincoln will return, by himself, no other presidents, and no more haircuts!

Tomorrowland redo is still being considered, the two main things it would do other than a new paint scheme would be to return the Astro Orbitor to the top of the old Peoplemover building, and hopefully see the return of the Peoplemover in some fashion.

DCA is still on track for its' renovation; World of Color opening Summer 2010, the Little Mermaid in 2011, even though WDW decided not to share the costs of this as well and isn't planning on adding it to Fantasyland anymore. Carsland in 2012 with the new Radiator Springs racing E-Ticket. Autopia meets Test Track, and you can pass other cars.
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I hope that they move the Astro Orbitor soon. The placement just makes me scratch my head. They have created such a choke point there. Now that Pixie Hollow is open it just adds more traffic to that area. I really have my doubts about the Peoplemover. It would be so different due to all the OSHA regulations and trying to get those vehicles 'idiot proof'. The new version may not be anything like the old ride thus causing a huge uproar from the disneyland FAN-atics. Time will tell. I can't wait to see something moving above my head again.
Other than the fact that it would require a huge renovation just to fit them on the existing pathway, there is a proposal on the table to make a Incredibles Podride to replace the Peoplemover.
I was watching my Walt Disney Treasures 'Disneyland secrets' DVD and heard them mention that the 'peoplemover' was on a list of attraction to bring back. It figures that they would tie it in with a PIXAR movie! The more I think about it the pods seem to be a no brainer, they would fit with the peoplemover like hand in glove. As long as they do a good job with it....bring it on.
Yes, I hope the peoplemover comes back, but it's a sad reflection of our society that it can't just come back like the TTA since people may jump out of it through no fault of their own...

But on the short term I'm really upset about Remember leaving. But I'm glad I'm going back one last time to see it.
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I came across some rumors that people have been spotted doing work on the people mover track and also looking at the control box for the old Rocket Rods. Hopefully the ball is rolling. Speaking of the rolling ball, there is a wall around the waterball in TLand. I hope that with ALL the money DL is spending right now that some of it will be filtered into needs it.
I saw that wall, along with the Astro Orbitor which was down. ; And still around part of Pixie Hollow....hmmm.