"We did get the attention of some passing cops; not surprising since this rig looks like a bizarre kind of rocket launcher."
You know I had never seen one of those actually in use; I saw it in the Canon Lenses book; they claimed that usually Canon either rented them out or "loaned" them for high profile events.
I don't think they will even make it any more. Not sure though.
That Sigma lens is hilarious. I want to buy that and take it to the park to scare small children and old ladies with. I'm 6'3" ... think I can handhold that thing ?
Okay, so it can't touch the 2.8 spec.. but otherwise it's kind of ideal for my current insane desires. Although.. for that price I could pick up the canon 600mm F4 IS, and I think that one wins out in the fantasy lens category for me.
Ya'know, I just can't see myself using that 200-500 F2.8. It just looks silly. Not all sleek and sexy like that Zeiss monster. It looks as if Sigma were attempting to make a bazooka attachment for SLR cameras.
I have a feeling that this might be designed specifically for sports photographers. For wildlife use I think it'd just be to heavy to haul around, but for sports use you just prop it up on a monopod, and use that enormous aperture to get the background all nice and blurred out.
the first mental image that came to mind after i saw this beast was of the old rat patrol series, mounting up on a 30 cal mount in the back of a jeep for an african safari
they will sell a few to wildlifers who work from fixed stations such as a blind, or moonroof type vans
anyone else old enough to remember that tv show?, who were the stars?
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