We just returned from a couple of days at the downtown Marriott Courtyard on Yonge. ; Very reasonable and did not find downtown area unusually dirty (or smelly) than what it normally is when visiting. ; I'm not used to the constant noise and garbage in the downtown area living in the country! ; The only noticeable thing was when walking down Yonge St. there are some garbage containers that were overflowing. ; They must have had someone cleaning them during the night, as next morning they were empty and by the end of the day they were overflowing, but garbage bags were hung around the outside of the bins also and contained most of the garbage. ; I was in the Yonge-Bloor area and down to Rogers Centre for a baseball game, and over to St. Lawrence Market area, Eatons Centre, University Bloor area and didn't encounter piles of garbage anywhere. ; Just the usual bombardment of noise and smells that are the norm downtown. ;