Simple Question!


Okay, for today's overly simple question...

I've received my dSLR (and I am LOVING it!), so now I'm trying to organize my new camera bag with all this stuff. My question is - what is the safest way for the camera to sit in the bag?? ::) I've seen 1) lens pointing down, resting on the lens cap; 2) lens pointing up, resting on the view screen; 3) camera bottom down, lens off & 4) camera bottom down, lens resting on a notched divider.

I'm definitely over-analyzing, but I can't seem to help it! ;D

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Glad you are enjoying it!

My first question would be what kind of bag do you have?
Currently I have an over-the-shoulder camera bag & I've ordered the Tamrac Express Pack 8, which is backpack style. I think I'll prefer the backpack at Disney and it has room for personal items, but store the camera at home in the over-the-shoulder camera bag.

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I use two shoulder bags.
In the smaller I just throw the camera and attached lens into it like you were setting the camera on the counter, if the flash is attached to it.
Otherwise, the camera usually goes in sideways so I can grab it faster.

In the bigger bag, the camera and attached lens go in straight down, lens in first. The camera body weighs way less than the lenses, plus I can grab the body without looking in.
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lens down, bottom of the bag lined with a microfiber cloth, if no cap on lens, but it is NECESSARY to have a protective filter in place at all times, most often i also reverse the hood, easy to throw on in a hurry and i almost never shoot without the hood anyway

b&h general brand generic uv filter, if that's scratched , big deal $6 buys a replacement, scratched lenses cost a little more to replace
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