Senior Pics

OK, still trying to take some senior pics of my son. ; As long as he is willing to sit still, I'll keep trying. ;

I am trying to get him seated playing his drum sticks and would like to get the sticks blurred. ; How can I do that using flashes?


You need to use rear sync coupled with a slow shutter speed like 1/30th. The flash will fire just before the shutter closes. Adjust flash power as needed. Your son will need to dot very still. :)
I was using the wireless flash feature with the 7D to make the shot. ; Checked and can't use 2nd curtain sync when using the built-in wireless flash feature. ; I have some cheapo wireless flash units I got off ebay from China and see if I can set it to 2nd curtain sync using them. ; The adventure continues.
I know nothing about Cannon flashes, so I don't even know if this is possible, but is there an optical slave mode on the flash units? ; Nikon has the wireless TTL mode that uses the pre-flashes to control the remotes, but they also have a SU-4 (optical slave) mode where the remotes fire when they see any flash of light. ; If they do, you might be able to use the pop-up on the camera in rear sync mode at a very low power to trigger the remotes.
I think the 7D is the only Canon DSLR to have built-in wireless flash(I may be wrong on that). ; My 7D uses the pop-up flash to fire the other flashes and rear sync is not available when you use it. ; I am trying to setup a continuous lighting senario using tungsten lights. ; I tried a couple test shots yesterday and it may work. ; Now all I have to do is coral my son to sit again.
"haunteddoc" said:
I think the 7D is the only Canon DSLR to have built-in wireless flash(I may be wrong on that). ;

I think you're right. ; There is one place that Nikon still has a big edge.....
That's a great shot. ; Will make for an excellent part of this Senior portfolio. ; You did know you'll have to take more of him, right? ; Does he know? ; :D
Thanks Scott. ; I did take some more shots. ; I was very unhappy with most of them. ; My inexperience with lighting showed through. ; I'll post some of the better ones. ;
Here is the final product of my adventure. ; One thing I learned was a new respect and admiration for studio photographers who create such great pics and how hard it is to get it right in camera. ; This was much harder than I expected but worth the effort in what I learned. ; I'm not totally dissatisfied with the results and would like to continue trying to improve from here. ; Now all I need is new subjects.


Great Shots , this will make excellent part of your port folio. keep it up you will get positive feed back from peoples.