Self Portrait


I thought I saw a thread on here for self portraits but couldn't find it. Anyway, here is my self portrait. I put my Sigma 10-22mm on the 7D, attached it to a tripod, secured it to the backseat with the seat belt and used a remote shutter to fire off shots. Tonal contrast adjusted in Elements using NIK Color Efex. This is the bridge coming from Sea Side Heights NJ.

Yes JBWolf I'm still rocking the Flyers hat!!!


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This came out awesome! ; I would have never though to do something like this, but now I have to see if I can make it work without the luxury of a convertible. ; Many a summer night I spent driving over this bridge.
thanks everyone! I've been thinking about creating this photo for a long time, but the opportunity never game up. What you can't see in the photo is the big smile I have on my face ; ;D
Nice work James! ; I bet getting the camera lined up to catch your face in the rear view mirror and then keeping it in place as you drove wasn't easy.
D to the AMN! ; That is one rockin' good shot. ; I would probably be nervous about lashing my camera & tripod to the back seat of the car, but I guess, in reality, you don't need to be moving very fast to get this style of shot
Getting my face lined up wasnt as hard as you think it would be. After I bolted in the camera and framed the shot, I adjusted my mirror so I can see the camera. If I can see the camera, it could see me!

Thanks grump! I was a little nervous but had confidence that I had it strapped in good enough!
Wow. ; That is way cool. Never would have though of that, or had the guts to try it.