Scenes from Hollywood (Studios) - GMR


Staff member
Finally got to add a few more scenes from the Great Movie Ride to my collection...previously I had good luck with Wizard of Oz, John Wayne, Indiana Jones, and a gangster scene...but didn't do too well with Mary Poppins (heads in the shot), Alien (blurry mess as I thought I could pull it off at ISO1600 - NOT), and Clint Eastwood (more heads in the way, and not enough detail to make out Clint's face.

This trip, I managed to get something usable with my 30mm F1.4, and ISO1600 for Mary Poppins and Clint Eastwood:



And for Alien...notice even at F1.7 and ISO3200, I STILL only got 1/10 shutter speed...thank you steady shot for helping me handhold that one:


I got a slightly different angle on Casablance this time...I was in the back row of a ride car which made straight ahead shots hard, but once we passed a scene, I could lean out the back of the car and shoot without any interference:


And one wide shot of the outside too, with the 10-24mm:

I think they look nice considering the shooting conditions in that ride (or any ride, for that matter). Love the wide shot of the building!
Great shot of the building and nice work on capturing those ride images. Tough to get a good shot while on a moving vehicle and the lighting issues and all of that. :)