Say it Ain't So!

i know you feel lost in this time of grief, but just try to remember your loved one in better, healthier days

we all should have listened to the rumors and collected a pictorial history of the club, then we could have one of those slide show memorials that are becoming all the rage at wakes up here
Horrible, just horrible ; :'(

But, on a happier note....those are fantastic pictures that you have and you'll be able to relive everything through the magic in those pixels ;)
Great gallery, Tim. ; I only had my DSLR for one trip to the Adventurers Club, and I was *ahem* concerned that something might happen to it so I only took my Point and Shoot. ; I really wish I took the DSLR now. ; We loved the AC.
Great shots! ; I just wish that I had gotten the opportunity to have attended. ; Oh well the best I can hope for now is that it will reopen in someway.
Thanks for sharing the gallery. ; My wife and I loved that place. ; Great place to go without the kids and laugh a little. ; Did take the kids in one time and they had a ball.
"Zeagle" said:
If the whispers are correct... I would expect to see AC resurrected on a grander scale... tell! Are those the rumors of the AC being resurrected for the 'evening park' still floating around?
Ha... one of them... :) But, wouldn't that be an expensive ticket. My hopes are for an AK hybrid.

"ArnyVee" said: tell! Are those the rumors of the AC being resurrected for the 'evening park' still floating around?