Rockin' Fireworks with Mulch, Sweat and Sheers

Apparently this is only done on New Years Eve, July 4th and special occasions. ; I was talking to a CM and she was saying they are considering making changes and adding this during the Holiday time later this year, as well.
They hadn't really done a fireworks show at DHS since Sorcery in the Sky was cancelled; that show stopped when Fantasmic! was available as nighttime entertainment at the park.
Thanks Brian. ; Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Fantasmic, but this is a nice change, and with the band playing great music, a very different show then you are used to at a Disney Park. ; I think, for me, that is what makes this show so much fun to go to. ; I mean I was singing the music, and bopping around behind the camera along with everyone else around me. ; Loads of fun!
"PolynesianMedic" said:
I mean I was singing the music, and bopping around behind the camera along with everyone else around me.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why I could never be a professional concert photographer. ; It's hard to take sharp photos while I'm singing and bopping! :)
LOL! Yeah I was glad I had the tripod so I didn't have to hold the camera. ; I could see how it could be a problem without the tripod though. ;)