RIP: Grandma, who brought me to DW in 1971


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As some of you may know, my grandmother has been fighting cancer for the past 6 months, and last night, she finally decided to cross over and join her maker, at the age of 89. ; She held a very special position in my life, not just as my grandmother and because we as a family were lucky enough to all live in the same town...but because Grandma was the person who started my love for Disney World. ; We were still living in New Jersey, and I was just under 4 years old - my mother was working and couldn't take time for a vacation, and my grandmother had a late-born son who was just 1 year older than me. ; When word got around about this new wonderful theme park opening in Florida, where she occasionally liked to drive down with my grandfather for their annual retirement beach vacation, and knowing we kids loved watching all things Disney on TV, she decided to surprise us with a drive down to the new Disney World in November, 1971. ; We had such a good time, and fell so deeply in love with the park, that it became an annual road-trip pilgrimage - not as easy as it sounds today since there wasn't a consistent interstate running the whole way, so lots of smaller detours and side roads were part of the trip, usually running a solid 3 days each way. ; I don't doubt that Disney World played at least a small part in her decision to move to Florida in 1974 - between Disney World and the beaches and warm climate, she probably wondered exactly why she was still in New Jersey.

My love of Disney was so strong, thanks to her, that when my grandmother moved to Florida and I thought that meant we'd have more excuse to go down and visit, I was instead devastated to learn that my divorcing parents meant my mother was moving out of NJ, and NOT to Florida (I wasn't devastated about the divorce surprisingly, as my parents still get along famously - they just decided marriage wasn't meant to be). ; Fortunately or fortuitously, my mother decided that Long Beach California was the place to be as a 20-something divorcee blonde...and so lucky me - I was introduced to Disneyland! ; After 2 years in Long Beach, my mother decided it was a financial struggle, and it was time to move again - once again I wondered what I would do without my Disney...but the security of being near her mother and a love of warmth and beaches prompted my mother to make the move to Florida. ; Which meant even as she had to go to work, I was now free to go to Disney with grandma, who because of the proximity now liked to go 3 times a year. ; We stayed at the little roach motels along 192, driving in to the park each day, burning through e-tickets in a few hours, using up all the Cs and Ds by mid-afternoon, then sullenly riding all of the B and A ticket rides into evening because it was all we had left. ; With grandma, I made it to Disney World for the opening week of Epcot Center, and continued my streak of visiting Disney parks every year since Disney World opened in 1971 (that streak continued through my mother's second and current marriage in 1981, as my stepfather also enjoyed going to Disney World - though he with more money introduced me to staying ON PROPERTY!...and through my move to California after college where I frequented Disneyland, then back to Florida in 1994 where I've been since).

So, I happily remember my grandmother, who now rests in peace, and thank her for giving me my love of Disney. ; She'll be missed, but always fondly remembered and appreciated. ; This weekend may be a bit disjointed - services will be on Monday, so I may be spotty here on the boards for a bit. ; In a way, I'm glad her fight is over as it really took a lot out of her, but while her body was failing, her mind stayed sharp and all the family was lucky enough to have all our final moments and closures with her before she moved on. ; And she wanted to be back with her husband again, having lost him 8 years ago. ; Here's a pic of both of them together, a few years before he passed, and how they'll be remembered:



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Very sorry to hear this Justin, may your grandmother rest in peace. ; And thank you for sharing that wonderful story about you and grandmother and the influence she had on you and the close relationship you shared. ;
sorry for your loss, been down that sad road myself, touched by the writeup of how you came to disney
Thank you all - sentiments appreciated. ; I've actually been at work since late morning and afternoon, since there wasn't much more to do once all the arrangements were made - mostly notifying more distant family and friends and fielding e-mails and occasional calls. ; I'm sure my mother and uncle are both at home getting much more of that.

We've got everything set for Monday - she preferred no wake, so we'll just be doing Catholic mass, and then straight to the Veteran's Cemetary where she'll be buried with my grandfather - small gathering of local family only. ; She was the 2nd oldest of 10 sisters, with the only surviving being the oldest of the 10 (amazing, the two oldest sisters outlived all the others) most of the family up north are neices, nephews, and cousins.

I've got a small possession of hers - just a trivial token but something she's had a while, that I'm going to bring to Disney World next week and find an appropriate place to leave it - so a piece of her can always be at Disney.
May God be with your family and give your Grandma safe passage home. ;
Thank you for sharing such wonderful memories. ; You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers as you travel through this trying time.

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Sorry for your loss. ; There is not much I can say beyond what others have already said. ; Be strong and always keep the best memories close.
Sorry for your loss Justin. ; You shared a great memory into your love of Disney. ; I'm sure that your grandmother was the greatest. ; Again, sorry for your loss.
Many thanks again to all. ; We had a very small, quaint, and lovely burial today - morning mass at church, then to the National Cemetery where she will be buried with her husband in a shared plot (Military extends cemetary burial rights to spouses of veterans). ; The National Cemetery, as all of them are, was beautiful and a lovely place to reflect and say goodbyes. ; The rains stayed away, and the birds were all chirping - something she would have liked. ; Strange how today's chance of rain was very high - but it didn't come until we were headed back from the cemetery - now the thunderstorms are coming in strong. ; You could almost see the hands holding back the clouds - very spiritual!
Sorry to hear of the loss your family has endured. I am sure she was a Special person to all of you.
; Sadly, my family is currently fighting the same battle with my Grandmother who just turned 90 in April. We are fortunate in that she is not dealing with any debilitating illness such as the cancer you guys had to endure, just old age catching up with her.
; I feel your pain & have much empathy for what you are going through. Stay strong my friend and revel in the fond memories. Next time you go to WDW, pay homage to her in memory of all that she has done to enrich your life.
Many thanks again to all. ; Everyone is coping with it pretty well, I think because at least we knew it was coming these past 6 months, though we didn't know when. ; There is a certain sense of relief that her fight, and pain, are finally over.

We received a rather shocking double-hit though on Tuesday. ; My grandmother was, as mentioned, one of the two oldest sisters still surviving - the two oldest of 10 were the last to live. ; On Tuesday, my cousins in NJ called to say that great-aunt Eileen passed away in her sleep Monday night, with no prior illness or hints, at the age of 90...just 4 days apart from my grandmother/her sister. ; In a way, there's something sweet about that - like they had a connection or bond to eachother...though it still comes as a bit of a surprise.

Leo, sorry to hear of your own struggles with your grandmother...I guess we all have to prepare for those inevitable events as we get older, that those relatives above us live out their wonderful full lives, but inevitably must end. ; It sounds like your grandmother has had a great healthy life so far to reach age 90 - we should all be so lucky!