I agree - it has put a bit of a crimp on my style there, which was always to just flow free through the parks and eat wherever we fancied. ; With the meal plans, hotel/meal combos, etc, some restaurants have essentially been eliminated from our list due to the fact that the only way to eat there would be to make ADRs, and I just don't do that. ; Le Cellier is but a distant fantasy for dinner...Italian is pretty packed too.
Fortunately there is no shortage of good restaurants at Disney, and if you are flexible as far as not having a set restaurant in mind on a set night, and are flexible with eating times (we don't mind eating as late as 9-10pm, so that also helps us avoid most of the ADR crowd), you can eat almost anywhere.
I'd say whenever I do to Disney, I most often hit Maya Grill, Jiko, San Angel Inn, Rainforest Cafe, Restaurant Marrekesh, and ESPN Club. ; I can sometimes hit Le Cellier, but only for lunch, and occasionally throw in Tusker House, Boma, Whispering Canyon, Turf Club, and Nine Dragons...as well as the ones I named to you the first time.
BTW - I forgot to throw in Turf Club the first time - the food is very good, excellent meats, burgers, steaks, chicken...the fries and o-rings with 3-dips are fantastic, and the prices are moderate too - and it's not terribly crowded unless you hit the heavy season - walkups with reasonable waits are usually possible, and they've got alternate outdoor seating if you're willing that can save some wait time. ; With same-day reservations, you can get in even on crowded season. ; It's over at Saratoga Springs...hidden in the back of the main building just off the boat dock. ; Very good for dinner, great for lunch...and an easy boat ride from Downtown Disney, or from the Saratoga bus.