As a nostalgic type, I am OK with progress and change but always miss the old stuff when it's gone. ; SSE was one such occasion - I always had a soft spot for the original...and was generally still fond of the Jeremy Irons-narrated version which didn't really change the ride. ; In particular, I loved the music, especially at the end during the descent, and when the descent reached near the bottom and the vast futuristic world city with the beaming networks and communication streaming out in beautiful fiber optic arcs...the music hit a beautiful crescendo that would give me chills.
5 years ago, I didn't have the technology to capture that scene - my 5mp P&S camera struggled at even 400 ISO. ; I actually forgot I ever tried, but in going through old pics on my harddrive, I came upon a dark, nearly black shot that I couldn't recognize in the thumbnail. ; It was an original I had never processed, just sitting back in a May 2004 folder. ; So using today's technology, I ran it through every variety of processing I could, to see what was lurking under that underexposed black shot. ; Lo and behold, it was an attempted shot of that favorite scene:
The movement of the ride meant handholding a 1/5 shutter was basically impossible - especially without stabilization and with that ratchety violent movement the ride makes going downhill. ; Still, it was fun to see this scene materialize out of a worthless black underexposed shot. ; I'd love to go back with a modern camera and give it another go...alas, the opportunity is gone!
If anyone else happened to have captured it, I'd love to see it!
5 years ago, I didn't have the technology to capture that scene - my 5mp P&S camera struggled at even 400 ISO. ; I actually forgot I ever tried, but in going through old pics on my harddrive, I came upon a dark, nearly black shot that I couldn't recognize in the thumbnail. ; It was an original I had never processed, just sitting back in a May 2004 folder. ; So using today's technology, I ran it through every variety of processing I could, to see what was lurking under that underexposed black shot. ; Lo and behold, it was an attempted shot of that favorite scene:

The movement of the ride meant handholding a 1/5 shutter was basically impossible - especially without stabilization and with that ratchety violent movement the ride makes going downhill. ; Still, it was fun to see this scene materialize out of a worthless black underexposed shot. ; I'd love to go back with a modern camera and give it another go...alas, the opportunity is gone!
If anyone else happened to have captured it, I'd love to see it!