RED ALERT Annual Pass VIP EMH event 10/25 registration is LIVE NOW

I AM IN, came home from work, sat down and called it help desk for pass holders, because i had not received the promised phone call about fixing this for me, well there still is some pixie dust in the world, while i was explaining this to the cm, i opened my email and there was a 2 hour old email confirming my registration for epcot 10/25/18, so now maybe we can get dennis transferred to be john. of course if he had secret desires to be karen i could easily make that happen, happens to me all the time with my pass, at least once a trip so far since magic bands started

Great news!
I AM IN, came home from work, sat down and called it help desk for pass holders, because i had not received the promised phone call about fixing this for me, well there still is some pixie dust in the world, while i was explaining this to the cm, i opened my email and there was a 2 hour old email confirming my registration for epcot 10/25/18, so now maybe we can get dennis transferred to be john. of course if he had secret desires to be karen i could easily make that happen, happens to me all the time with my pass, at least once a trip so far since magic bands started

Dennis is in. We got "hitched" on MDE so he is under my reservation.

Gary, thanks for the phone number. I called the this morning. Someone is suppose to emailor call me. I told them that I have an AP and never get any emails. They checked my email to make sure it was correct and it is, because I get an email almost every day for Shop Disney but nothing for Passholders. I told them how several here got an Emil and some didn’t. Sounds like there’s quite a few unhappy people because other people are calling so possibly they will be adding more slots, not sure if she was saying this. I told her about the group going and since I’m a new Annual Passholder I’m really disappointed that I’m not getting any emails and would like to have this checked out, what is the benefit if I don’t get any notifications. Someone is suppose to reach out to me in a couple day
I’m glad you guys seem to have gotten and escalated phone number. Like I said before, I never got an email about the moonlight magic thing at Epcot in August and when I called member services, their response was something just short of “go to hell, but… Have a magical day.”
Nancy, hopefully they will be able to help you out. I was also told when I tried to add Dennis that I would get a phone call and then I just received a confirmation email without any calls. Right now I put your chances at 50 50 so let's keep our eyes crossed and hope things work out for the best!

Nancy, hopefully they will be able to help you out. I was also told when I tried to add Dennis that I would get a phone call and then I just received a confirmation email without any calls. Right now I put your chances at 50 50 so let's keep our eyes crossed and hope things work out for the best!

Thanks Joanie. I told them to either call or email. I’m giving them till Wednesday, then I’m calling back. :) If they’re suppose to send emails to AP holders they should be. I might have to talk right to the Mouse. :):)
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Nancy, hopefully they will be able to help you out. I was also told when I tried to add Dennis that I would get a phone call and then I just received a confirmation email without any calls. Right now I put your chances at 50 50 so let's keep our eyes crossed and hope things work out for the best!


Did you add Dennis after you already had your reservation/confirmation? Or did you connect in MDE prior?

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i too never received the promised phone call, but got an email confirmed reservation just short of 72 hours of time from tuesday 4pm phone mess until friday 3pm email
I got an email yesterday from Disney with my confirmation for the VIP EMH on 10/25. I didn’t see a cost for this? Isn’t it just extra magic hours

No cost, it's a special event for AP's. I haven't read the details for the event but it sounds like a limited capacity EMH, but only for AP's.
No cost, it's a special event for AP's. I haven't read the details for the event but it sounds like a limited capacity EMH, but only for AP's.
Where do you find the information for this? I was on My Disney Experience and don’t find anything for AP.
Where do you find the information for this? I was on My Disney Experience and don’t find anything for AP.

I double checked the announcement email and all it said was:

"And we're also excited to offer V.I.PASSHOLDER Nights at Epcot[emoji768] during this year's Epcot[emoji768] International Food & Wine Festival, which includes access to select festival marketplaces as well as some of your favorite attractions. Complete details will be communicated to registrants closer to the event!"

We'll have to wait until they send out more info, but I imagine it will be mostly EMH but limited to registered AP's.
I double checked the announcement email and all it said was:

"And we're also excited to offer V.I.PASSHOLDER Nights at Epcot[emoji768] during this year's Epcot[emoji768] International Food & Wine Festival, which includes access to select festival marketplaces as well as some of your favorite attractions. Complete details will be communicated to registrants closer to the event!"

We'll have to wait until they send out more info, but I imagine it will be mostly EMH but limited to registered AP's.

Thank you. All mine says is check in begins at 4pm
Registration Confirmation

Thank you for registering. This email confirms that you will be attending an evening of theme park fun during one of our V.I.PASSHOLDER Events. If you have questions about your registration, please call (407) 560-PASS or (407) 560-7277. Guests under 18 years of age must have parent or guardian permission to call.

Check-in begins at 4:00 PM

For events at Epcot, please check in at the Main Entrance, International Gateway, or World Showplace.
Please arrive early with your entire party and have your government-issued ID and valid annual pass ready.
Thursday, October 25, 2018

9:00 PM to 11:00 PM