Random POTD Thread

Re: ColleenMarie's Random POTD Thread

Figment, do you work at WDW? ; How did you capture mainstree like that with not a soul around? ; Beautiful shot!
Re: ColleenMarie's Random POTD Thread

Re: ColleenMarie's Random POTD Thread

Another older one:

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Re: ColleenMarie's Random POTD Thread

"mSummers" said:
Where was that Roger?

99% sure it's along the main entrance drag of DCA. ; Which means that it's scheduled to be terminated when the main entrance is redone to become Walt Disney's (arrival to) California
Re: ColleenMarie's Random POTD Thread

Another oldie:[nb]Pretty sure it was Portra 160 or Fuji's equiv.[/nb]

Re: ColleenMarie's Random POTD Thread

yeah, it is from "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy". ; It also looks a little like the spaceship that Little Einsteins use.
Re: ColleenMarie's Random POTD Thread

Oh yeah, it totally looks like Rocket from Little Einsteins.
Re: ColleenMarie's Random POTD Thread

Tarzan Tree House

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Re: ColleenMarie's Random POTD Thread


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