Random POTD Thread

Re: ColleenMarie's Random POTD Thread

Cooleo is on fire lately!

Here's one for today:

Re: ColleenMarie's Random POTD Thread


My friend Steve left us this day and my heart is breaking as I write this. He never asked for his freedom to be taken from him so that he could be a companion, but a good companion he was. He deserved a better life than he got, although he had a wonderfully indulged life with us and his other bird friends. He derserved a life of freedom soaring over the treetops with others of his own kind; making homes, rearing young, and vocalizing at the top of his lungs with no repercussions.

Steve was a Double-Yellow Headed Amazon parrot. He sang five different songs and spoke in complete sentences. Amazons are prone to obesity in captivity. We restricted his diet for a long time and he was miserable. He was friends with another parrot in the house - an African Grey, so we made the decision to let them live together in one cage for the companionship that it would provide knowing that his diet wouldn't be what it should be for a caged Amazon. He had many years with his friend, who is now quite confused at Steve's absence. However, it cost Steve the long life he was supposed to have. I still think it was the right decision to have quality of life over quantity.

The bottom line is that these magnificent creatures were never meant to be in cages. We made a grave mistake when we acquired the ones we have, but we simply weren't thinking rightly about it. Now we are commited to their well being. We can never - ever repay them for their loss of freedom.

Goodbye, Steve...my wonderful friend...I'll always miss you...
Re: ColleenMarie's Random POTD Thread

My condolences, Kiki... :'(
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Re: ColleenMarie's Random POTD Thread

Kiki - I was Very Sorry to hear about your loss in your e-mail this morning. He was definitely a Beautiful bird.

Thanks to everyone for the comments about my pics. Here is my latest...

Re: ColleenMarie's Random POTD Thread

Credit to Tim for inspiring this "shot." I still have to fine tune the technique quite a bit.

Clicking the image takes you to its Flickr page!
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Re: ColleenMarie's Random POTD Thread

Thanks to everyone for all of their kind comments. We sure do miss our little buddy...

Re: ColleenMarie's Random POTD Thread

Kiki - I Love the textures & feel of this shot. Excellent job. This si exactly the kind of work I would expect from you.
Re: ColleenMarie's Random POTD Thread

Kiki, I figured this one would appeal to you with the abstract background in this shot. Glad you like it. ; 8)