Random POTD Thread

Re: ColleenMarie's Random POTD Thread

Sorry to get off subject guys... back to pictures!

One for today from the Tomorrowland Transit Authority:

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Re: ColleenMarie's Random POTD Thread

I must be completely insane for posting after that dramatic picture ^^^, Joe, but here goes anyway:

Re: ColleenMarie's Random POTD Thread

WOW Joe. How in the world, pardon the pun, did you shoot that and keep it steady? You are so creative.
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Re: ColleenMarie's Random POTD Thread

Kiki, I like the shot and especially the use of DOF. Very good.
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Re: ColleenMarie's Random POTD Thread

My first attempt at pano.

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Re: ColleenMarie's Random POTD Thread

Great Pano shot Doc! I think you did a great job of catching the entire entry hub of the MK!

Joe, that shot is brilliant! I love that ride, and that shot is just wonderful. Thanks for posting!
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Re: ColleenMarie's Random POTD Thread

"haunteddoc" said:
WOW Joe. How in the world, pardon the pun, did you shoot that and keep it steady? You are so creative.

Thanks! I asked for the front car of the "train". There is a little ledge on the front that is about the perfect size to steady a camera. I just waited for an area of the ride that had lots of neon lights. 11mm ultra wide angle, aperture priority with aperture wide open, ISO200 - resulted in a 2.5 sec exposure.
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Re: ColleenMarie's Random POTD Thread

Joe, I seriously want to take some photog lessons from you!


...as I've already told Tim, you all are really, really great photographers - but the reason I like it here so much is that you are all so sweet and helpful to boot~
Re: ColleenMarie's Random POTD Thread

Neat Joe!
I took almost the same picture in August. Here is a 4 second picture of Dina riding the Wedway!
The huge shadow is from the on-board flash.

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Re: ColleenMarie's Random POTD Thread

"ColleenMarie" said:
Joe, I seriously want to take some photog lessons from you!


...as I've already told Tim, you all are really, really great photographers - but the reason I like it here so much is that you are all so sweet and helpful to boot~

You're sweet, Colleen - thanks for the kind words! I don't know if I'd be any good giving lessons though - I've only really been into photography for 1-1/2 years now (bought my first SLR in Dec '07 - the D40) and I'm learning so much everyday. I guess you could say I'm more of an advanced student than a teacher. I agree though, everyone here has been very helpful - if I ever had any technical questions on anything photography, this is where I'd start for sure!
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Re: ColleenMarie's Random POTD Thread

Craig, the shot of your wife is really nice!

Joe, great shot as usual. If you've gotten this far in a year and a half, you are on track to become a stellar photographer!

Re: ColleenMarie's Random POTD Thread

"Kiki" said:
Craig, the shot of your wife is really nice!

Craig, must like myself, is very fortunate to have a very lovely wife who make a great subject of photography. Dina really compliments Craig. They are fun to hang out with and when Dina is around, it makes it easier for me to take pictures with Craig and Tim because the wives could care equally less about wandering around with tripods and taking pictures...haha
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Re: ColleenMarie's Random POTD Thread

Thanks Ray, We sure are lucky aren't we!

Last year at the Epcot meet at mousefest, Dina went shopping around World Showcase while we talked about cameras!

But, last month at Food and Wine, she carried the camera most of the day. I'm going to put up a thread of her photos soon.

And here she is in tomorrowland. Where else in the world do you see people with big cameras and big mickey ears!?

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Re: ColleenMarie's Random POTD Thread

I like how you noticed and took a picture of her taking a picture...

are those adventureland ears? me likey~

my husband and kids have been very patient with me as well-especially when by the time vacation is over I've taken over 2000 pictures of them and everything around me. They have also learned so much by watching me that they are a little too comfortable taking my camera right off my neck ???
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