Quick stop at Disney

Well we're back now. I just wanted to say that the ADR's are all screwed up. Even the employees told me that. I called yesterday morning to try to get into Crystal Palace and they told me again it was all booked up. So we just went over there around 10:30am and had to wait about 10 minutes before we got in. When we got inside it was pretty empty. I couldn't believe they kept telling us it was sold out. Oh well things worked out fine in the end.
So either the computer is "holding" ADRs for VIPs (let's say concierge level guests), or the problem of multiple ADRs is still, well, a serious problem.
I had much the same experience Jun 3-7. ; I tried to call the first night to book for the next 2 or 3 nights, checking availability at all the various places, and being told sold out PERIOD. ; Having experienced this before, and being very flexible, I wasn't too worried that we wouldn't find somewhere to eat, so each night, we just went to the place we wanted to eat, and had a backup or two ready. ; First night, Rainforest - no problem, as patio was empty. ; Thu night, Epcot, San Angel Inn (sold out)...20 minute wait on standby, and plenty of empty tables all over the joint when we started eating. ; Fri night, ESPN Club (hockey game...didn't care what we ate that night!). ; Saturday night, Jiko at AK Lodge, sat in 5 minutes...lots of empty spaces.

No question, the ADR system is a mess, and only getting worse. ; I'm quite sure they've got their own faults, such as having to reserve blocks for VIP, trying to accomodate space for dining plan, and then mix in the multiple reservation debacle. ; I hope when they count things up and realize that they are throwing away profits by the wheelbarrow, far more than they get back from the Dining plan...that maybe they'll scrap the whole silly mess, drop dining plans, and advanced reservations, and just go back to the old tried-and-true method that seems to have worked for the restaurant industry for decades! ; Heck, dig up the old kiosks and let everyone make reservations on the World Key systems again - I loved those in Epcot's early days!
"Roger" said:
So either the computer is "holding" for let's say concierge level guests

not happening as far as I know. Concierge guests still get the same answer "NO" as far as I can tell....

edit: did I miss news that concierge guests get special treatment?
Let's just say I think they have the ability to request slots that have been held. ; I was able to get into Chef Mickey's on a very short notice a few years ago.
"Craig" said:
edit: did I miss news that concierge guests get special treatment?

As long as you are wearing the ring of power, yes you get special treatment. ; I know that there are a few tours that are only for concierge guests.
only some special tours. otherwise concierge doesnt mean much but free cokes and some snacks!!!

Yes, they will make reservations for you, but they have NO power over the ADR system.

If you happen to know a longtime castmember who can call the manager of a restaurant who she has know for many years, yes you can a table. but not officially!