Questions about flashes


I have been using my camera for about 3.5 years now and think it is time to get me a flash. ; I have a Nikon d40x and was thinking of getting the Nikon SB600. ; I am looking to improve my pictures of people in indoor settings. ; So here are the few questions:

Anyone have one of these? ; If so, what do yo think?

Should I get a diffuser as well?

Since I have only used the "flip up flash" on the camera, anything I should consider before going forward?

Hey JB!
; I shoot Canon and I have a Canon external flash and I almost never shoot without it. It improves your photos 1000% by offering more light which gives you sharper images. Some you can even use as a slave unit which allows you to use creative lighting for some cool photos! I also purchased a diffuser to go over the flash, only because I hate having that hard shadow behind my subjects. If your flash rotates or has an adjustable angle you can bounce light off the ceiling or walls behind you as well. Make the investment, you won't regret it!
"jbwolffiv" said:
I have been using my camera for about 3.5 years now and think it is time to get me a flash. ; I have a Nikon d40x and was thinking of getting the Nikon SB600. ; I am looking to improve my pictures of people in indoor settings. ; So here are the few questions:

Anyone have one of these? ; If so, what do yo think?

Should I get a diffuser as well?

Since I have only used the "flip up flash" on the camera, anything I should consider before going forward?


Didn't get the 600 but I had the 800. ; It's thought of pretty highly.

I guess the diffuser question will depend on what you'll be shooting. ; I ended up using the bounce card that was built into the 800 most of all.

The biggest thing to think about is that it is big...especially compared to your camera. ; (heightwise I mean) ; You'll be able to avoid the lens shadow in the picture better but you'll have to work more with making sure that you get fill flash properly....a little more work at first but you'll get the hang of how your flash will work in situations, while the popup flash is generally for fill flash on snapshots...
Get the flash. ; Worry about diffusers and modifiers after you get experienced in bouncing light around and how to illuminate your subject. ;
Thanks everyone! ; Now is the time to let my mother in law know which one, she wants to get it for Christmas. ; So now the waiting!
Here's a small tip.....

Manual Flash, 1/4 power bounced off the ceiling. ; f/4 at ISO 400-640 range. ; Should work if the ceiling is white and around 8-10 feet.
Definitely get a flash, regardless of model. Even the smaller sb-400 model is a huge improvement over the pop-up flash. I have the d40x as well, I do not own a flash, but I have 'borrowed' an sb-600 multiple times and really liked it. The 800 seemed to be a bit much for what I wanted, so eventually I will end up getting the 600.
I have both an SB-600 and an SB-800. There's a huge difference in performance, but there's also a big difference in price as well.... ; ::)

The SB-600 will have a diffuser panel that will drop over the opening, and you can get a Stofen dome to put over it. One of the accessories I'd highly recommend is a Lumi-Quest 80/20 (look for Lumiquest on B&H), around $25. $55 with all the bells and whistles (which I got - well worth the price).

You'll also need a couple of sets of excellent NiHI batteries with charger.

One of the things you'll want to read up on, is the Nikon Creative Lighting System (CLS). It will allow you to fire your flash from the camera out of the hot shoe, no cords, no other accessories. Just your D40 and the flash. Read up on it - it'll take you to the next level when you're ready.
"Scottwdw" said:
Another book you might want to look at getting (or asking for) is Joe McNally's Hot Shoe Diaries.

I'll second that recommendation. ; I've read all of the McNally books and they're all excellent.
"Scottwdw" said:
Another tip: Rear-sync, find it and learn how to use it.

I'm a big believer in learning how to use flashes in manual and later moving over to the TTL systems, mainly because i find CLS to be a PITA.

Another invaluable resource is David Hobby's site,
"Scottwdw" said:

I wrote a series of blogs on Picture This! using the SB-600 on my D70 camera at the time. ; I now use it with the D700. ; Another book you might want to look at getting (or asking for) is Joe McNally's Hot Shoe Diaries. He uses Nikon equipment and the CLS.

Another tip: Rear-sync, find it and learn how to use it.

Scott, thanks so much for the tips!! ; I have been a frequented the Picture This! blog for a few years but usually ignored the flash ones. ; I didn't have one so I skipped. ; I cant wait to start playing the week after Christmas!! ;
"HW" said:
I have that book John if you want to borrow it when you go to forsythe

Howie, that would be great! ; Window cleaning season is finished so I will have some time on weekends to make a trip down!