Probably let's see who can get this location! (SOLVED!)

Re: Probably let's see who can get this location!

I don't even remember the Turkey legs in frontierland. That's it--another trip is in order! I was going to guess the french fry cart in front of the permanent "please mind the construction" sign.
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Re: Probably let's see who can get this location!

I don't remember something like that on the little shack on the river's of this pic.

Re: Probably let's see who can get this location! (SOLVED)

Ring ding ding!

Roger gets the top prize...Michael and BB with a consolation prize for getting close (Turkey legs and Pecos Bill's were both close).

But Roger actually pulled up a photo with the structure in it! Yep - my photo is the top of that little shack sitting at the end of the wooden walkway along the river. The shack is empty, and usually has birds sitting on it (hence the white streaks prominently visible on the rusted structure!).

All disclaimers here so I don't get accused of stealing - this is NOT my photo I'm linking!!! - Here's a link to panoramio with a photo of the shack (with the stack visible at the top) along with the google map showing the precise location: ... n%26sa%3DN

(that's a mouthful, huh!).

Nice work Rog!
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Wow, I still feel a little lost--I don't think I would have gotten it if you put the whole shack as a "where am I". Good one!
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