POTW - Fireworks Friday!!

I like the silhouetted trees in the foreground. ; Adds a nice sense of depth to the image.
I've always loved fireworks! It's really nice to see some high quality fireworks! These photos are very beautiful.
Dave (ExploringWDW), Scott (ScottWDW) and I all bought the Feel The Force package for the first day of Star Wars Weekends this year. This package included parade viewing in the morning and a dessert party for the new Symphony In The Stars fireworks in the evening. The area set aside for package was in the back left of the central plaza. The best part of the package, in my opinion, was the "free" ice cream bars during both events and the open bar in the evening. That may give you a clue as to how much I liked the viewing of the parade and fireworks.

The next day I decided to go to my usual front-row spot for the parade and find an unobstructed view for the fireworks. As you can see, the path from DHS to the Boardwalk offered an excellent view. If you go far enough down the path, as I did, you're pretty much looking straight down Hollywood Blvd. And, even though there was no bar, there were no people around (other than those visible on the left of the photo).

Symphony in the Stars
Nothing beats taking fireworks photos with little to no people around, that's why I like the Oddessy Bridge. Great shot Dennis!
I have to agree with Dennis about the Feel the Force package. For the parade it is not bad if you are one of the first to get in. For fireworks, not so much, but the desserts and drink are fantastic.
Nice shot Scott! I can see from the two shots posted, hanging on the path to EPCOT give a better perspective.

John, check out the post for three other locations. The one just outside the Main Entrance is becoming a favorite. If DHS was to start hosting more fireworks, I think they need to think about replacing those tall palm trees to open up the sky more over the BAH.
Sweet shots Dave! What ND filter did you use? How long was the exposure?

Thanks John! I updated the post above with the exposure info. ISO for both was 200. I was in a hurry to set up so when the show was over I realized I used my polarizing filter instead of the new ND8 I purchased for this trip. I just checked and the CP is about 2 stops.
Thanks for the info Dave, I never know what to use and get all flustered if I dont like what I see. The shows are only so long.
Thanks Dennis. I just wish there was better lighting on the foreground. You dont get any fill from the fireworks from outside the park...
Looks like DHS will be hosting more nightly fireworks shows this summer via the Frozen juggernaut.

Outside of Disney and around Syracuse, the fireworks displays are a bit less sky filling so I use Bulb mode and build up multiple shells over a long exposure. Here are a few from last night's LEON Day Festival. This was taken over 10 seconds.

LEON Day Fireworks
by Scottwdw, on Flickr
Nice one @Scottwdw. Funny how you can go to Disney and take a 10 sec. shot and have 20 bursts in the frame and then shoot your hometown fireworks and get 2. We'll be in WDW in August to check out the Frozen Fireworks Spectacular, so we're looking forward to that. Looks like a lot of other entertainment too that should help keep the summer crowds entertained at Studios.

Here is another from outside Studios of Symphony in The Sky...

Fireworks Friday by Dave Kliment | ExploringWDW, on Flickr