POTD - random

Riding some coasters at Six Flaggs with my daughter.

Nitro, 235 ft and a little over 80 mph.
Cool, where was that?

It's the "Volo Auto Museum" that is just northwest of Chicago (~45 minutes from O'Hare). If you are a car person then it is a great place. They sell on consignment so there are tons of vintage vehicles. On top of that they have their showroom car collection. That includes the movie/tv cars, the Dusies, military vehicles, etc... They even have displays from the Disney Store.
No, it's not a proposed redesign for the Disneyland submarine ride. It's the forward torpedo room of the captured German U-boat U-505. The submarine is a long-time exhibit at the Chicago Museum of Science and Industry. The tour of the inside is an extra-cost item, but it's totally worth it.

A yellow submarine it's not
I think I was there and saw that back in the summer of 1994. My father and I did a 9 day baseball stadium trip and spent about 4 days in Chicago and I am pretty sure we did the museum one of the days. I know I would not turn down a chance to see a WWII sub.
That very well could be true, John. The museum got the sub in 1954. For most of the time it was stored outside, but a few years ago they moved it into a new underground exhibit area and did some major restoration work on it..
Very nice, Erich. A bit of constructive criticism: A little more space in front of the jet would have been nice, but we both know these guys move so fast it's hard to compose "on the fly." ;)
Yup, but other than straightening the runway a bit, what you see is what I got. It filled the frame. Cleveland seating is nice and close to the runway. ;)
Erich, I understand. Who would think to take a wide-angle lens to an airshow.

Scott, you're making me sad that I wasn't able to get to the Indiana State Fair this summer.
In June the Sportsvar Vintage Racing Association held the first annual (I hope!) Brickyard Vintage Racing Invitational. The opportunity to race on the Indianapoplis Motor Speedway oval and/or road course attracted a field of over 650 cars, at least one of which is over 100 years old.

A car that I was very surpised to see was this 1968 STP Lotus gas turbine. Joe Leonard was leading the Indy 500 in this car when the fuel pump drive shaft broke with just nine laps to go. Bruce Linsmeyer had better luck in 2014, but then he wasn't trying to go 500 miles. ;)

I was standing near the car when they fired it up for a later session. It sounds just like a jet starting up: the whine as the starter spun up the turbine, the low rumble as the fuel ignited and finally a loud whoosh as it moved off the grid.

I don't recall being fortunate enough to see this car run in 1968. I did see its predecessor almost win at the hand of Parnelli Jones in 1967, and also attended the 1969 and 1970 500s.

Simple aerodynamics
I had the Hot Wheels version, Dennis. Loved that car.

Erich...after shooting a high school football last night, I could really use your camera...fun shot!
Sorry Scott, it's long gone. I was tracking him with the 70-200 and zooming out as he approached, concentrating on the framing, and didn't even notice what he was doing until he was almost level with me. Funny how sometimes we're so focused on getting the shot we're really only half registering what's going on.

Sorry Scott, it's long gone. I was tracking him with the 70-200 and zooming out as he approached, concentrating on the framing, and didn't even notice what he was doing until he was almost level with me. Funny how sometimes we're so focused on getting the shot we're really only half registering what's going on.

No worries...I do not get paid for shooting high school sports. Keeping my fingers crossed on the D750 announcement later this week.

That happens a lot in sports photography, I find gems all the time.