POTD - random

Bolt Castle in upstate New York...

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"jbwolffiv" said:
Very cool shot, makes me wonder where the power is coming from when they are on edge like that.

At this moment, both the rudder and propeller are out of the water. ; They have a strip of metal which acts like a spoiler except for water instead of air which lets them control the boat at this angle and gets the boat back down. ; The water conditions yesterday kept sending them up like this. ; These guys are crazy and I want to go for a ride in one of these someday. It is the only class of racing boat at these events which have a rider. Disney should do this in Bay Lake!!!
Actually Scott it rained most of the day while at the castle. Yes we did make it inside, it's quite the place.

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The 22-story Florida State Capitol building in Tallahassee, Florida. "Stormsong" is the dolphin sculpture in front of the capitol.

"Evad" said:
Scott, great shot today!!

Thanks, Dave! ; I wondered where those heart shaped flower beds had gone on Heart Island. ; There were missing from an earlier photo you posted from when I visited.